“Remarkable illustrations and a must for any expecting parent of an additional child”
The Story
The idea for this book came from the time my husband Steven's daughter-in-law became pregnant with her second child. Erica, his granddaughter, was five years old at the time. He wondered how her parents were going to explain the pregnancy and the exciting news that she was going to be a big sister. A few years ago, this conversation began again... how do you portray to a toddler the stages and events that take place before having a baby?
We agreed that explaining pregnancy is an important part of telling the story. The concept needed to be illustrated in a way that would help parents take their child or children along on the journey. I felt it was important to communicate that this is a blessed event and it takes both words and pictures to simplify the discussion.

Who is this book for...
This book is for any mom or dad trying to find a way to tell their child about the new baby coming. It is meant to help prepare the children for many of the exciting developmental stages of the fetus and some of the quirky events that happen during the pregnancy. It ends with the birth of the new baby!
Why the book is so helpful?
The book is not technical but rather takes the family on a whimsical journey through the pregnancy from the perspective of the new baby. The pictures are engaging and allow for family discussions and the parent guide helps to guide you through talking points.
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